My Story Gretchen Chlebowski – Throughout my life I have always been drawn to animals. I collected stuffed animals as a child and wrote reports or stories about animals whenever possible in school. In college I majored in Ecology, Ethology (animal behavior) and Evolution and also in Psychology. After college I got involved with various animal and vegetarian organizations including an animal-assisted therapy group that accompanies dogs on their visits to people in nursing homes and other facilities. During that time I also started incorporating animal product alternatives into my life. I changed my diet first, and then I began using shampoo, soaps and other products that were not tested on animals. As my shoes and purses wore out, I began replacing them with non-leather ones. Over the years I have read a lot of labels, written a lot of letters and made a lot of phone calls in order to find products that are not tested on animals and do not contain any animal ingredients. Now much of this information is available online. My hope is that this website will make finding these products as easy as possible for you and inspire you to consider the many ways we can incorporate kindness into our daily lives.
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